The Tragedy of Tippy Cumber

Tippy Cumber relished the warmth of the noodle bowl as he carried it to his living room throne. After another long day delivering mail to a thankless neighborhood, sloshing through un-shoveled snow and un-scooped piles of dog doo, he gladly received this meager reward. The couch was once a rich Read more…


Past the wrought iron fence stood the towering brick house. Marble balconies adorned the third and fourth floors, adding girth to an already inflated structure. The dead and dried vines of autumn consumed the monstrosity, creating the illusion that the whole property was being pulled underground. Night had fallen, but Read more…

Empire of One

The gaunt man stumbled out of the broken building into the knee-deep snow. He clutched a brittle black binder in his tireless grip. His long, dark, centuries-unwashed hair whipped in the wind. He ambled to his idling pickup truck and tore a string of chains from behind the seat and Read more…